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The Top Trial Lawyers in America ®

Fee: $1500 (one-time fee for application, certification and Life Membership; refundable if membership & certification denied)

The Million Dollar Advocates Forum was formed to give recognition to those trial lawyers, throughout the United States, who have achieved a verdict, award or settlement in the amount of One Million Dollars or more. The fact of such an accomplishment is a strong and tangible indicator of exceptional experience, skill and diligence on the part of the trial attorney. The primary purpose of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum is to certify attorneys as members, providing recognition of accomplishment and a national network of experienced colleagues.

If certification and membership are approved, a membership certificate, and a press release announcing the member's certification as a member, will be sent. Members are authorized to hold themselves out as Life Members in any manner consistent with rules of professional conduct applicable in the jurisdiction(s) in which the member practices. Members are authorized to use the membership logos and other identifying trademarks of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum subject to the terms stated at the LOGO USE page.



Please Read  Carefully 

You will be certifying as a member of the Bar 

that you have read and meet all such qualifications and agree to such terms


Members of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum must meet the following qualifications:

1.  Applicant must be a current member of the Bar in good standing.

2.  Applicant must have acted as Principal Counsel (see definition below) in one or more of the following:

a)  A court or jury trial in which applicant's client(s) received a verdict and entered final judgment in the amount of one million dollars or more. Summary adjudication or default proceedings do not qualify. The case must be final and not subject to appeal or other possible modification.

b)  A binding arbitration proceeding, where evidence was presented, in which the applicant's client(s) received a final arbitrator's award in the amount of one million dollars or more.

c) Negotiation of a final settlement in which the applicant's client(s) received the sum of one million dollars or more.

3.   Whether by trial, arbitration or settlement, if the award was by periodic payments or structured settlement, the one million dollar amount must apply to the economic present value of the award, not the overall payout amount.

4.  Applicants must provide adequate information as to case identity to allow for verification. In most cases, certification will proceed upon the declarations of the applicant attorney. It is understood that there are confidential settlements which do not allow for case identification. In such cases, the applicant may provide a general description of the case, certifying such description as true. For further information regarding Confidential Settlements see the MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION page.

5.  The term “Principal Counsel" is intended to include the one or more attorneys who were primarily in charge of and responsible for the preparation, management, settlement and trial of a qualifying case. It is not necessarily limited to one attorney, nor is it limited to lead (i.e. "first chair") trial counsel. It is recognized that the responsibility for, and management of, a complex case often involves a team of attorneys who serve as co-principal counsel with different responsibilities. However, it is not intended to include an attorney simply because he or she worked on the case, referred the case or brought the case into the office. It is presumed that an applicant who states that he or she was "principal counsel" in a qualifying case has clarified that status (as defined herein) with any co-counsel and that there is agreement among all co-counsel that the applicant acted in the capacity of principal counsel.

NOTE:  Further qualification details regarding specific case situations (confidential settlements, appeals, settlements after trial or appeal, etc.) are stated at the MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION page.


By completing the Application for Membership, applicant certifies as a member of the Bar that all such information is true and correct, and that the accuracy and truthfulness of such Application will be relied upon in granting certification and membership in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.  If approved for membership, applicant may hold himself or herself out as a Member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum in any manner consistent with rules of professional conduct which may apply to applicant; however, he or she may not in any way act on behalf of or purport to represent the Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Members may use the logos and other identifying trademarks of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum to indicate such membership status only as described at the website (see LOGO USE).

Membership Applications are generally reviewed and replied to within 10 days (approved, denied, or additional information requested).  



Questions?  Please email 


Fee: $1500 - see above  (one-time fee for application, certification and Life Membership; refundable if membership & certification denied); plus $500 annual fee for optional Expanded Directory Listing, renewable at your option.

Proceed to Application



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"Million Dollar Advocates Forum"®, "Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum"®, "The Top Trial Lawyers in America"® and the circular logos shown above are trademarks owned by Million Dollar Advocates Forum, LLC.  Members are authorized to use such trademarks consistent with the terms of use stated on this website and applicable rules of professional conduct.

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